
Mach3 ports and pins
Mach3 ports and pins

NOTE, the "Ground" should be the lead connected to the magnet (or clip on older models), while the "Signal" should be the lead going to the brass puck on the touch plate. For older PMDX-126 based NEMA 34 systems, just connect the two leads on the unit to “Signal” and “Ground” on one of the 3 pin connectors supplied with your panel, and plug into the red input signal board.In either case, you can use a different AUX port if you prefer, although you will then need to re-assign the pin used for the "Probe" function.For earlier revisions of our XML configuration files, use the "Z" sensor input (Port #2, Pin #6).For our revision 16.1 - 18.3 configuration files, use the "Aux 1" sensor input (Port #2, Pin #9).For our revision 19.2 configuration files, use the "Aux 2" sensor input (Port #2, Pin #8).For our CRP800 Plug and Play CNC Control Systems (both NEMA 23 and NEMA 34), just plug the M12 connector from your touch plate into the appropriate input for configuration file your are using:.Setup of the Auto Z and Corner Finding Touch Plate is fairly straight forward: Using the Auto Z and Corner Finding Touch Plate with Mach3 Please refer to the Mach3 CNC Software Setup Guide for more information. If you purchased one of our Plug and Play CNC Control Systems, Steps 2-4 below are automatically performed for you when you use our latest Mach3 installer and XML configuration files (version 19.2 or later). If you are using Mach4 CNC controller software, refer to the Mach4 Auto Z and Corner Finding Touch Plate Instructions in our Mach4 Users Guide.

Mach3 ports and pins